Xero Me - Payroll Authorisers to NOT include advisers
Please adjust the Leave Authorisers in Xero Me to be the employees in the business with Payroll Admin &/or the Authority to Approve Leave.
Currently all user with PAyroll Admin are available for selection - which includes ALL advisors.
As an accountant - we are having to revoke our access to a client's payroll to ensure that the staff in the client's business cannot select the accountant's staff members to approve their leave.

Christina Catanzariti commented
I would like to remove some leave approvers from XERO Me to stop confusion with my employees. They still need access to admin to payroll. I just don't want them to appear in the leave list... some of our admin are external and it is confusing! Fix ASAP
Emma Vermeulen commented
I agree, please Xero Software developers, please enable accountants to separate the Payroll leave approvals from the advisor rolls.
Anne Mountjoy commented
yes ! + add a workflow for approving timesheet in general
Lisa Lenne commented
I agree, I just received 2 authorisations for staff I have no idea what they are doing in a clients business.
Natalie Lawrence commented
Yes I agree
Trudy Reading commented
As a Labour Hire organisation we would find it beneficial to have the ability to allow a 3rd party person (external to the organisation) to approve a timesheet.
Ideally our contractor would submit the timesheet to our client at the completion of their contract (or weekly, whichever is relevant) and for the client to approve the hours worked. The contractor's pay would then be processed and paid by our internal Financial Controller.
Is this an enhancement Xero could accommodate in the near future?
Many thanks
Trudy -
Michelle Simonis commented
User access to Payroll should include people who can approve timesheets, rather than having all staff who have Payroll Admin as been selected in a long list of people who can approve timesheets. When you use the XERO ME App for timesheets and you have to submit the timesheet it brings up the list of all USER NAMES that have payroll admin access.
This is very confusing to employees when they may have a list of a lot of people to choose from as the Accountants office alone might have added a lot of staff with Payroll admin access.
I feel a better enhancement in the payroll admin area for users would be to nominate which USER who has Payroll Admin access should also have XERO ME Timesheet approval access.
I have one business for example that had 15 staff at the Accountants office with Payroll admin access, plus myself as the bookkeeper plus the 2 business directors.
So on the list the employees have to submit their timesheet to for approval their were 18 names to select from.
So my suggestion is in the USER Access their also be an additional check box for Approve Timesheets and Approve Leave. -
FUNDA Finance commented
User Permissions For Payroll - We want our accountant to be able to access everything, however by giving him access to Payroll he is down as a person staff can request holidays to, there is no way to change this without moving his access to payroll.
We want him to be able to see everything, but not approve leave.