Files - Add a Search option
It would be great if we could search in the files that are attached in the file library. Sometimes you need to find something that was attached a long time ago or by someone else and if you could enter a keyword search it would save trawling through them page by page.

Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Jenny Lyrakos commented
I've just returned from holiday and have uploaded over 200 files but searching for them is a nightmare.
I have been using the Find function on the page which is partly successful but a proper function on the page would be beneficial -
Samantha Burton commented
Please add this! Smallest thing, that would make such a difference for us and our accountants
Sonja Milne commented
A search function on file inbox would save time, by either file name or folder would be good, we use the files for all of our clients so to access quickly would be a time saver
Sharon Long commented
The ability to search in files. (Many clients need to have a separate 'inbox' for file uploads. This would reduce time going through each 'inbox')
Adrian Wells commented
This simple request is over a year old at this point with no resolution.
Like other simple and obvious requests (who doesn't have a search function on a file storage system?) such as the ability to download multiple payslips over a period in one file rather than having to do it individually, this request has been ignored.
Is there a timeframe on implementing this obvious idea? I will have to recommend the client move to Dropbox otherwise.
Fiona Davidson commented
Have the ability to search attachments by name. For example I attach delivery dockets to bills and I always save the it with the corresponding document number, it would be good if search results showed attachment name matches too.
Carlos Rivera commented
I totally agree with this. I'm uploading a bunch of receipts and it would be nice to be able to do a search while I'm selecting files from the library.
Accounts AutoInfo commented
This would be fantastic and something I have wanted for ages. I have 500 files come into the system each month and it takes time to locate the one I require for an invoice. Should be an easy fix team!
Kelly Johnston commented
Add a search function in the Files inbox to search for files saved in the library