Invoice Report - Including account, date paid and method of payment
I want a payment report of invoice payments made into my bank account, the report would show date of payment, method of payment and actual .
Hi Donald, I've updated the title of your idea to make this simpler for others that are interested to find.
Though we don't have a report that'll show the payment method atm, you could run the Receivable or Payable Invoice Detail reports to view much of this information.
Once you've customised the report as you like, you can save as Custom to easily access that view anytime.
Andrea Gutica commented
Hello, I would really like to use this report as soon as it becomes available. We need this info for our financial analysis, and would love to have this report which shows how the customers pay, as soon as possible. Thanks!
Rob England commented
I can't believe something this obvious isn't a thing. No, Payable Invoice Detail doesn't show this at all, as it only shows invoices not yet paid
Sasha Prien commented
I need this as a client is in UK but operating in Australia, so their Xero file is obviously for UK VAT, but if I could have this report it would make it much easier to pick up the relevant invoices that were paid in a defined period (regardless of when the invoice is dated) for Australian GST reporting.
Kirstin Humphrey commented
I would really like to have a report available that has all of the payments received (for all contacts) and which invoices they belong to for a specific date range (a month generally). Currently the date range is only available for the invoice date rather than the date of payments received.
Hi Naomi, is there a reason you'd rather see it in the Invoice & Bill screens rather than a report?
Naomi Dunne commented
It would be a great feature in both invoices and bills, anything to get the idea implemented. Reason previously supplied.
Naomi Dunne commented
This would be invaluable at year end to add up the accounting fees paid (via our practice subscription) for each client, to confirm the tax deductionfor accounting fees.
It would also be very helpful for business to see at a glance the historic payment days. Ie. If a customer is regularly paying in 45 days instead of 14, it would help with customer priorities.
I A Smales commented
I would find it really helpful to see the date paid on the Bills and Sales Invoices Screens
Any chance? -
Arthur Bartram commented
Being able to have a total of sales invoices paid by cheques or cash or credit cards for a given date range so the reconciliation can be carried out
Catherine Guiver commented
I want to generate a report that shows what we have been paid in the past month (as opposed to what we have invoiced). The information is in Xero already, all paid invoices are marked as such when we do the bank reconciliation, but it doesn't seem possible to run a simple report showing all payments in across a specified time period. This was a simple report in Sage.