NZ Payroll - Ability to Delete bank account from employee payment information
Some employees have payment information (bank account), and others do not at a client account. The client does not use the bank account information for the payment to employees, then, this information is not compulsory for the client at the moment.
I found a wrong information of the payment bank account information of an employee and tried to delete it, however, Xero says:
The account name is required, and
The account number is required, then,
It is not possible to save 'nil' information.
The Company does not use 'payment information' in the actual payment process and there is no practical issue. Actually, some employees have no bank account information, then, I suppose it could be allowed to delete the existing bank account name and number, and make the bank account information into 'nil'.
My 'idea' is to allow Xero to delete the bank account information of an employee. This time, Xero support seems to change the bank account information, not just delete it. However, we can save some time if it is allowed that the bank account information could be deleted especially for the company with employees without existing bank account information with the payment at the last payment schedule.
The last conditions prevent the client account to delete necessary bank account information for the Company which uses bank account information of employees for the payment to employees.

We appreciate the interest and rationale in wanting to be able to delete an employee's bank information.
While this may be a function we look to explore in the long-term we want to be upfront that this is not something we've currently got planned.
In the meantime, you can replace the employee bank account details with fake/dummy information instead.
Haylee Rhodes commented
Delete Primary Bank account for an employee
We have employees who are now being paid via AP. When I try to delete the Primary Bank account that is there, Xero will not let me. Can you please add a feature to Xero that gives options such as "paid in cash" or "paid via AP" so that once that is ticked, the Primary Bank account details are greyed out or deleted? Thanks