Xero Expenses - Create receipt from body of email
I would like to be able to forward receipts I have received via email which are NOT attachments, but are inline / html receipts, and have Xero read them, like Expensify can.
I waste so much time receiving emailed receipts (BPME for example) which I then have to save as a PDF and forward / upload.

Hi James, to clarify would this be when using Xero Expenses app to submit receipts or when emailing bills to your organisation? Thanks
Sam Watts commented
Couldn't agree more - help please Xero
Helen C commented
Daniel - thanks and well done with coming up with this!
Daniel Bond commented
For anyone waiting for this feature I've fond a workaround, at least for iPhone users.
Open the email on your iPhone > Press reply > Press Print > On the print popup reverse pinch the preview at the bottom (like you're trying to zoom in) > This opens a new screen, press 'share' in the bottom left corner > Share to Xero Me > Press Analyse.
It will go into Xero Expenses and be analysed.
It's somewhat convoluted but has revolutionised my workflow!
Roy Moorefield commented
If I may chime in here, I think there is an aspect of this need for both Xero and Xero Expenses.
On Xero Expenses, as two of a number of examples I can cite, most airline and hotel reservations are confirmed through emails. Being able to forward those emails (and ideally having them go through an initial scanning process) would be much easier than downloading to a PDF file then uploading the file in Xero Expenses.
For Xero itself, James provided one example for an inline bill with no attachment, which I agree with. We have a number of vendors that where that is the case. We also have vendors (like Xero) who send us an email with a link that we have go retrieve the invoice through the link to attached it to the bill. The ability to shortcut that process would be great, such as clicking on the link from inside Xero so that invoice is uploaded and scanned in one action.
Finally, and related, in Xero, if have a bill set up as a repeating bill, I forward the invoice to the Xero file library (to avoid creating a duplicate bill). In matching it up to the repeating bill, I have to update the information from the invoice manually (number, dates, amounts, etc.). It would be great if in that process certain key information could be scanned in.
Thanks, Roy -
James Gander commented
Hi - When emailing bills. As an example, when I use the BP app to pay for fuel, I receive a copy of the receipt by email from BP. This email is not an attachment, but is inline as part of the email. I want to be able to just forward that email to Xero Receipts and it be uploaded as a bill as if it were a pdf receipt.
Happy to chat if it's easier. I am NZ based.