Xero Files - Ability to rename and/or delete file while viewing in inbox
In the files inbox, when I want to rename or delete a file, I cannot do so while looking at the contents of the file. I must close the file and try to find it amongst the dozen or so files sent by a dozen different people, and then rename or delete it. I would like to be able to rename the file while I have it open.
Similarly, I would like to delete files from the inbox while looking at them - I get a LOT of forwarded email threads, and every logo in every footer shows up as a separate file in the inbox, so I would like to be able to delete them while looking at them, so that I don't accidentally delete the images with exactly the same filenames that were sent in the body of the forwarded email.

Mark McPartland commented
Agreed with both. Need to be able to easily delete a file not required, and easiest to do that when looking at file preview, rather than a list of files with often meaningless filenames
Fiona Arries commented
With regards to documents loaded into Xero files, it would be really handy if there was the ability to rename or delete the document when in the document viewing mode, rather than having to go back to the documents list.
Kelly Johnston commented
Be able to edit the file name of documents in the library while the file is open as you can copy reference numbers.
Adrianna Wright commented
Agreed with both of these! Especially renaming the file while it’s open.