Chart of Accounts - Edit / Add account types
It would be very useful to be able to change the names of the General Ledger Account Types. Also Fixed Assets should be changed to Capital Assets because Capital Assets is really the applicable term because not all Fixed Assets fixed. Machinery, equipment, rolling stocks......

Paul O'Donnell commented
As a UK registered charity it would be very useful to be able to change the names of the General Ledger Account Types. Though serving basically the same purpose, charities have funds and not equity. Being able to differentiate between Restricted and Unrestricted Funds, even Designated and Endowment funds would be a great advantage. I am sure that this lack of flexibility is probably putting off many charities from adopting Xero as their finance package and thus costing Xero money in lost revenue.
The problems can be overcome by using a structured general code structure and then reporting through Excel, but we are trying to move away from over reliance on spreadsheets for producing management reports. -
Susan Fischer commented
Currently there is no option to add or edit any account types. I work in an international NGO and we receive project funding. Some funding received can be used as we would like to to develop/grow the organisation (unrestricted assets) and others have set tasks/guidelines we must meet and show funds have been used for this purpose (restricted assets). Currently if I enter these as either equity account types or current asset types, when I run a balance sheet I cannot determine the remaining value of the unrestricted vs restricted which is needed for reporting to our board. Is there a way to get this feature added in the future?
Tommy Boisvert commented
It's currently not easy to add nondeductible expenses in Xero. Those are expenses that will not reduce the net income, and will not reduce any tax liability. An example is a political contribution, or a donation to a person or an organization that is not officially recognized as a charitable organization (i.e. no tax receipt). And they are not expenses made to earn more revenue. Xero could add a new Account Type in the chart of accounts, something like "Non-deductible Expense", and when a transaction is recorded against this type of expense, all the underlaying accounting transactions would happen automatically behind the scenes. Like when we add a bill or an invoice... all related transactions are done by Xero. Having an account like that in the chart of accounts, that would make it very easy for all Xero users to record nondeductible expenses. Currently, we need to write manual operations and to involve an accountant to know how do manage these transactions. This new account type would be a great improvement to make Xero more accessible to everyone.
Leonide Madore commented
I would like to change the General Ledger account type from Fixed Assets to Capital assets. Also, i would like to use Capital Assets instead of Fixed Assets under the Fixed Assets management section. Capital Assets is really the applicable term because not all Capital Assets are Fixed Assets. For instance, a tractor is mobile & Capital asset, but not mobile & Fixed asset.