Reconcile - Multiple invoices in different currencies paid in one payment
When you have two or more invoices in multiple currencies from the same payee, you are currently unable to reconcile them to one payment.

Sira Choi commented
Same issue. We will need this function asap.
Sadia Siddique commented
I would like to see this too please
Mike Urry commented
I can’t see the problem with this I am sure it’s an easy fix let’s see how quickly they can resolve this
Mustafa Altinbas commented
I can not understand how a system does not allow this? This should be not that hard and it's not like a rare situation. In this world we live in, these types of transactions happen all the time smh.. Hopefully Xero will see our comments and take action one day.
Tina Jameson commented
This is essential in our modern world, come on Xero.
Petrina Srhoj commented
I too would like to see this implemented - with the rise of platforms like Shopify allowing more businesses to retail worldwide, this will become more of an issue for more people.
Maneshkumar Zaveri commented
I think this is important as many businesses deal with vendors in multiple currencies and may pay in one currency, for multiple currency Bills.
Thus if Xero can accommodate this request it will be appreciated.
Peter Thompson commented
I cannot understand why Xero does not allow to reconcile multiple invoices or bills in different currencies.
Lorie Belzunce commented
This is a must for Xero as it's common practice to pay multiple foreign currency bills through an FX broker. Without this, it requires a lot of manual workarounds.
Liesl Lowes commented
Good point well made Fiona!
This really is ridiculous, as is the clunky way to convert foreign currency payments to base currency... often a penny out and nothing we can do. When transferring between different currency accounts, we can simply enter the new currency value amount - why can we not do this when reconciling payments?
Fiona Jones commented
If xero wants to retain clients in an increasing global business world, it would be wise to update the software to allow invoice reconciliation of invoices issued in multiple currencies to be received in one payment on the bank statement line.
Liesl Lowes commented
C'mon Xero....
Miles Twist commented
Thank you all for backing me up on this! Could devs please take a look?!
Oriol Guiu commented
I cannot understand why Xero does not allow to reconcile multiple invoices or bills in different currencies.
It's ridiculous that with the multicurrency enabled, there is such an inconvenient. Shouldn't be as easy as apply the conversion rate of the day, and let the user confirm that conversion?
Liesl Lowes commented
This is really annoying, especially as so many businesses use platforms like Stripe (which Xero partners with) who always submit all payments for one day as multiple currencies in one payment.
This issue is made more annoying because the currency conversion feature is so clunky - and often is a penny or two out with no way to sort this... -
Angelique Brinkert commented
It would be great, to be able to reconcile transactions, created in two or more different foreign currencies, against the same bank statement line.