Reporting - Ability to show/hide accounts based on balance
I have voted for the idea "Switch Rules - Notes to Financial Accounts" but would like to also propose an idea that may be of benefit if that one is too complex to implement.
Enable a rule that allows an account to be shown/hidden depending on the balance.
For example - if Accounts Receivable is a credit balance then it will display, if it has a negative balance it is hidden.
That means that the Accounts Receivable account could be added to two schedules in the report, but will only show in one, which should align with switch rules in other reports.

Appreciate you thinking of other ways to solve something, Jessica. With a lot of the reporting teams concentration on elements to redevelop the most vying features from older reports in the new before their removal later this year I want to be open that we don't have this in pour plans at this stage.
We'll start to get a sense of the interest for this here, and let you know if there are any changes.