User Roles & Permissions - Ability to suspend users
It should be possible to suspend users without deleting them. This should cut off all accesses but should preserve the account /username itself. This is a basic functionality of user access control which is surprisingly absent from Xero. This preserves the user ID incase someone suddenly leaves the company or is suspended from duties for whichever reason.

Stephen Jones commented
I too have had to suspend a user in Xero - it should be possible to deny temporary access without having to delete
Jay Heybatov commented
Is the Xero team planning to add this feature in the near future? Deleting and adding the users is barely an enjoyable experience, but the alternative to that is a possible breach or non-compliance.
Jane Casey commented
Xero, please add this feature - such a pain to have to delete a staff member's access if they are not working for a few months but will be coming back.
Andy Brewood commented
We've just had to temporarily suspend a memeber of staff and this basic functionality is sadly lacking in Xero.
Richard Welbourne commented
We would like to withdraw staff access temporarily to all clients due to maternity leave. The only way currently is to delete them from the practice and then add them back when they return. When they have different levels of access in each client this will be a pain!
Suzi Choi commented
Yes, this is a very important necessary function.
Users names should be shown, recorded and left of those who have since eft the business/company and don't/should not have access.
It would be great if Xero could ASAP upgrade to cater this. -
Samara Heferen commented
Yes!! This needs to be a function available on Xero. I don't want to delete the user, but don't want them to have access anymore.