Email to Bill - Auto attach copy of source email as a file when creating bill
When a client emails bills into Xero files, they often include a note saying APPROVED or POST TO DIRECT COSTS and even- PLEASE PAY TOMORROW. At the moment I have to open the email, take a copy, email it back into Xero files and then attach that to the bill along with the original bill. Can a copy of the email be automatically attached to the bill when it is processed from files? It would save a lot of time.

Tania Bogle commented
I Second this.... ALSO... when I attach a copy of the email approval (as a PDF) to the bill, the last upload is prioritised and is the preview. I'd like to either see any additional attachments not be the 'preview, OR a choice of ordering the attachments so we can choose what is first default previewed.
Ryan Oltman commented
The ability to view the email when you click the link in the "uploaded by" column in the regular files inbox works great.
This feature should extend to the newer "create bill from email" feature that has been added. In the notes section of the bill that has been created by emailing directly to the bills inbox, there is already a note that says "Received through Email-to-Bill". This just need to contain a link to view the email, or make it part of the file attachment.