Reporting | Financial statements - Adjust formatting
Please consider adding more customisable options for the financial statements as they do not look professional when compared with Sage Handisoft reports (for instance).
Just to start off, there should be an option to remove the horizontal lines across the page on each account and heading, change indentation, font & in particular font size. The font size is so small it should be close to double that!

Thanks for your valued feedback here everyone. Considering elements mentioned we wanted to highlight Report styles which are available to Xero Partners through Reports in Xero HQ.
With Report styles Partners can now set logos, change the colour of report titles and size of the font in reports, across client organisations.
We appreciate there are other improvements mentioned that you'd like to see capabilities expanded too and will continue to track the interest and share any more improvements of this with you all.
Connect with your Xero advisor, or find one that can best help with your business needs here.
Ammar Ahmad commented
The existing statutory accounts format is very basic and can't be shared with client. It needs to be more professional as in the attached sample accounts.
Anne-Maree Harback commented
I agree the new report font size is way too small for financial statements.
Altho you say Xero HQ has been fixed for font size, i really don't think you should be expecting that every xero customer contacts their accountant just to run their monthly reports for them
Gayle Prowse commented
Report Styles do not allow enough customisation. We are coming to Xero from MYOB and the Xero financial statements are inferior.
There should definitely be an option to remove the horizontal lines across the page. Font on exported reports needs more cutomisation as does the harcoded Xero footer. -
Danielle Cronje commented
Would love to adjust the font! Our company uses a specific font through the bank and at this stage and we can't present reports in one font and all the rest of our documents in other fonts.
Alina Gwizdala commented
Producing Statements.
When we used Sage we used a function called Conditional Formatting which allowed the appearance, not the value, of an item to be changed if stated conditions applied. Using this, we were able to put the transaction amounts into two columns, only displaying them visibly in one. The negative amounts (Credit for Rental for example) could appear in the left column as a positive amount, but not appear in the right column. Similarly the positive amounts (Debits for Commission and works) could appear in the right column but not in the left, also as a positive amount.
Does Xero have a similar function or does anyone know of any 3rd party app which can be used to create Statements in this way?
Sharon Weiland commented
The font size on the financials is ridiculously small. Look at any professional financial statements, and the font is much larger.