Sales invoice - Separate status for when credit applied
In Xero a receivable invoice status is shown as paid whether it is actually paid or whether a credit note is applied to the invoice.
Can a new status be added to show when an invoice a credit note is applied, for example "Credited".
This will help identify actual payments received vs credit notes issued

Alison Weeks commented
Yes please can invoices where a Credit Note has been applied not be shown as Paid.
Betty Soares commented
Please can we get a new system code such that credit notes applied to Accounts Receivable are not marked as "Paid" but rather have their own code. When writing off an AR account or balance for non-payment through a credit note, these balances are getting marked off as "paid" even though they were never paid. A distinction between the two would be great.
Ani Gordon commented
I was just about to post about exactly this. It makes it so confusing when looking through a customer account to see invoices as 'paid' when they've not been paid they've had to be credited!
Natalie Matthes commented
I need to allocate a credit note to an invoice that has already been paid so that I can clearly see what the credit note applies to. However I seem to only be able to allocate a credit note to current invoices. I don't want to attach a credit note to an invoice that it isn't related to.