Budget Variance Report - Remove arrows
It would be nice to have the ability to add/remove the arrows from Variance Reports. Some clients don't like them and only want to see the dollar value.

Cathy Newport commented
I would like the arrows to export to Excel. the arrows do show if the variance is positive or negative. The Percentage figure doesn't differentiate between Income or Expenses. ie if expenses are less than budget it shows a negative figure. the arrow is green for expenses less than budget which is great.
Heide Baer commented
Agreed; I love the arrows usually, but would like to be able to turn them off, especially when making a custom variance field that has nothing to do with budgeting!~
I acknowledge, though, that the workaround here is to build that variance column using a formula column, and then there are no arrows!
Brenda Christensen commented
We create a custom budget vs actual report just to get around this. The arrows look messy and distracting.
Paul Hartstonge commented
I agree this needs to be attended to as a priority please. Although in the meantime one "workaround" to remove these arrows I have found is to use the formula option instead of the variance, which works the same and doesn't have arrows ~ It's great as a solution for others to use if they want!
Rebecca Van Drunen commented
Definitely agree! The arrows can be visually confusing. It would be better to have the option to include or exclude them on reports.