Xero Expenses - Ability to overwrite VAT amount
When uploading a 20% vat rate expense via the Xero Expense App please allow for the VAT box to be overwritten if required. This is an issue when the Xero rounding is different to that on the receipt, usually by 1p.

Stephen Bailey commented
This must be simple to implement, please implement Xero as the work around is not acceptable
Hazel Lucas commented
vat is often not 20% on restaurant bills - need to be able to edit vat on expenses in the same way you can on Bills
Simon Perkins commented
Totally agree, drives me mad
Benjamin Green commented
I'm actually switching to another system because this literally makes it impossible to submit an accurate VAT claim. I don't understand how anyone is using Xero without this most basic functionality.
Irene Femenia commented
Any updates on the matter??
Michelle Hennessy commented
I agree with Katharine's comment below.
Kabir Miah commented
Katharine Hosmer commented
This is crucial I would say. Many food and drink receipts do not have a flat 20% rate of VAT, or just a 0% rate of VAT amount but yet there is still VAT on the receipt so we need t be able to edit the VAT amount when submitting or reviewing expense claims within Xero like you can with an invoice. Are there any plans to enable this functionality within Xero?