Invoice Reporting (Payables) - Ability to include Planned Date as a separate column
In the new reports you can run a report, by supplier, of invoices that are due and planned to be paid, which is great. There is a differentiation between due and planned in both screen detail and reporting. The schuduled/planning option enables users or managers to plan which invoices they wish to pay either by viewing on Xero or running in a report. However, the reporting option puts the two together by adding in an invoice wiht the same due date, if a planned date has not been entered. This means that invoices not scheduled/planned to be paid are included in the report. It is possible to filter to include a due date if you filter wihtout it, it is still included
As a bookkeeping practice managing sizeable purchase ledgers,this defeats the whole ability given to scheudle paymetns and run a corresponding report to issue to clients to pay their suppliers. Directors dont look in Xero and rely on their accounts teams to produce reports for them. There are 'get-arounds', we've worked with them for over 10 years.
This funtion is SO close, the only thing lacking is the report, run by planned, date, filtered by planned date, to please not include an invoice that happens to have the same due date unless the request to include that filter has been selected
PLEASE can we have this report
Many thanks, a broken record to the reporting team but still asking

Accounts Expertunity Pty Ltd commented
I would like to be able to run an ageing report by planned date to assist with our cash flow forecasting. At present I do this by running a custom Payable Invoice Detail report including planned date, dump this to Excel and then create a pivot table.
It would also be good to be able to assign multiple planned dates on a single supplier invoice. Currently we pay our suppliers 50% up front and 50% on completion which requires creating two bills in Xero, each with a separate overall planned date. Effectively doubles the workload.
Ruth Ball commented
When filtering bills by planned date within reports Xero will automatically use the due date when a bill has no planned date. However, when reporting on planned payments there is a reason that bills have no planned date ie. they are disputed or will be offset by a supplier who is also a customer.
It should be possible to exclude bills with no planned date from reports.
Koki Teshima commented
Personally, I prefer control separatelly Planned date and Due date.
In our company, Due date enter by Sales and Purchasing team or pulled automatically from contact.
Then, Finance team enter Planned date to confirm payment date and genearate Payable invoice report to checking.If planned date is blank, no need to pull the due date automatically instead.
Said report have each column and able to sort indivdually.In case of below, if we specify planned date, pick up only B.
A Due date: 27.Dec Planned date: Blank
B Due date 27.Dec Planned date: 27.Dec -
Claire Taylor commented
Re Aged Payable Report and Ages Payable Summary Reports
Can there be an option under 'Ageing by' for 'Planned Date' and when searching in Business section
I import alot of invoices into Xero and dont use the due date.
When balancing my monthly statements I allocate planned dates they are due