CIS - Registered users UTR number for verification for partnerships
Include the option to enter the Registered User's UTR number in CIS verifications as well as the Organisations UTR number which will allow partnerships to be verified - HMRC need both to verify a partnership.

Laetitia Brocklehurst commented
Any update on this? its crazy to think we cannot verify partnerships
Rob Armstrong commented
Completely agree with the comments below especially Bekky's.
So frustrating as it takes forever to get thru to HMRC to verify them manually.
When will there be a fix for this Xero?
Kay Mead commented
This is such an obvious flaw - if they can't fix it they should at least generate a warning when you select partnership in the contact's CIS details - I always forget and assume I've got the details wrong!
Bekky Pearce commented
Completely agree with other comments that it needs to be made clear in Xero that they are unable to verify partnerships. Would save a lot of emails between myself and the subcontractor unable to work out why their details have not been matched. I couldn't even find a clear answer for this when I looked it up on Xero Support.
Why include partnerships in the drop down menu if Xero are unable to verify them.
For anyone else who has issues you will need to verify the SC details through HMRC and then enter them manually in to Xero. Save and close rather than save and verify.
Michelle Douglas commented
How did you resolve this ? I have a smiliar issue and cant verify a partnership
Rebecca Farby commented
I agree with the comment from Samantha Hayes, a pop up message detailing that a partnership cannot be verified via Xero would have saved a lot of time and less embarrassment for myself.
Samantha Hayes commented
It would be useful for a message to pop up in Xero when you want to verify a partnership for CIS that it cannot be done in Xero and to log in to verify through HMRC. It took me a long time to realise Xero was not able to verify partnerships and I stumbled across it in their help section.
Ultimately, it would be beneficial for Xero to work the problem and provide the ability to verify partnerships in their software.
Jeremy Hague commented
Why is there a Partnership drop down option if can't verify a partnership?
Angela Monti commented
It is frustrating that I can't verify a CIS partnership in Xero.