Contacts - Ability to bulk edit Archived contacts
We have 1,782 “Archived Contacts” from mergers with other data following adoption of Xero Practice Management. The vast majority of these archived clients have the reference field completed with a 6 digit reference that we would like to re-use for the current clients.
Unfortunately the reference field needs to be unique and so we cannot apply this reference to the current contact until it is changed or deleted in the archived client.
Please can we have a bulk delete of the reference field for all 1782 archived clients (or add an extra digit if you cannot simply delete the reference field).
To restore, delete and re-archive all these one by one is ridiculous!

Jacqueline TRIMBLE commented
Would also like a bulk delete function for current contacts that have no activity before a certain period of time. Ridiculous to have to open each contact to see how "Current" they are, then archive them.
Jaime Lee commented
We encountered similar issues that we need to delete those Contacts in Archived folder. Unfortunately, there was no option to do so even though Support Team has called trying to rectify the issue.
He has suggested to update the current contact with a different prefix then match again against in Archive which I found its time consuming and not logic.
Xero will need to find a solution whereby information in Archive folder could be deleted directly.