AU Payroll - Auto populate contractor details from Contact record
Now that you have a function to create a Non-employee SubContrator who is paid Superannuation only here are some suggestions as currently it is a very labout intensive and manual process especally since STP2
- ability to populate the contractors details eg address, email, phone number from their Contact as they have been paid for an invoice via Bills
- pay items that alows you to enter the invoice value so the super is calculated - at present, new STP does not allow you to trick the system anymore so 10.5% SG has to be manually calculated
- ALLOW SPACES IN ABN field - so annoying when you cut and paste from ABR Lookup website that do have spaces - it chops off the last 3 digits
- ABN field with a link to ABR look up website
- link to the invoie super is being paid on so there is not chance of a keyoing error when mannually calucating the super

Thanks for sharing with us in product ideas, Alison. It really helps for each idea to be separate so we can gauge interest in the specific feature community would like to see, and users know exactly what they're voting for.
Reading through your feedback, you should find you can now copy and paste an ABN that contains spaces. It also appears there is an existing idea for tracking contractors Super contributions that I added your vote for and you'll be kept updated if there's any progress for.
I've slightly adjusted the title of your idea here to reflect your first point, however you're welcome to start others for the remaining ideas that you'd like to see us develop.