Invoice Settings - Separate Number Sequence for Credit Note
Currently, in the Automatic Sequencing setting, the invoice & credit note share the same number sequence. However, for tracking purpose, we prefer to have a separate number sequence for credit notes. Therefore, would like to request an additional 'Next Number' field for credit note, which can come with an option to share or not to share the number sequence with invoice.

Alexandra Ardizzone commented
This is a legal requirement in Poland and India
Cory G. Litzenberger commented
This is definitely needed,
- or at least allow a CN to have the same number as the invoice. INV-7431 was paid, and now I'm issuing a Credit on it, I want to be able to have CN-7431 so they are easily understood by the customer as well.Also - can we stop having invoice numbers used up every time a Draft is created? I'm tired of having to go back to the settings and fix the sequencing when the Draft is not used, or deleted.
H.A.Y. Supplies Ltd. commented
Please resolve this issue, it is something that needs to be updated and fixed as soon as possible!!!
H.A.Y. Supplies Ltd. commented
Absolutely ridiculous, such a sophisticated software can't even do the simplest of things!!!
Just keep sales credit notes separate from sales invoices, they are 2 different and separate things, they have opposite double entries so just keep the **** sequencing separate. So stupid this software is at times! -
Benji Lee commented
make more sense with different sequencing
Deirdre Mullan commented
This is vital, I can't have invoices and credit notes with the same number sequence, customers get confused enough as it is
Karen De Mesa, MICB commented
I also wish for this feature. It would be better for the Credit Notes to have their own sequence instead of merging with the sequencing for invoices. This allows for better audit of document trail. A unique numbering sequence for every type of document is best practice.
Luke Rawsthorn commented
This is really important for us and our clients, too.
Elizabeth Steyn commented
This is especially important where clients migrate from other systems and want to continue with their numbering conventions.