Bank rules - Attach files to a rule
Bank Rules - the ability to attach documentation would be very beneficial.

To make sure I understand - Would this be to select certain files that are always attached when the rule is used, Jennifer?
Jackie Richards commented
Yes I agree, I have a regular payment going out relating to a schedule, it would be useful to be able to attach this schedule as evidence for the VAT.
Tom Szecsodi commented
Yes I agree! I have multiple recurring payments where I’d love to attach an invoice or other documentation
Grant Jackson commented
When dealing with a large number of finance leases, it would be very useful to be able to attach a PDF of a finance lease agreement to the bank rule that captures the monthly debit order.
Lynne Remnant commented
Yes I think this would be a great idea as well. For example, when a loan is being paid off or something is being paid in instalments, having a copy of the documentation attached for each month would be useful.
Rose Nicholson commented
Would be great to add an attachment directly to a bank rule, so you can access the attachment from any spend money created by the bank rule. This would be useful for things that have an agreement rather than an invoice.
Jennifer Clark commented
Yes that could be helpful as well, however on this occasion I was thinking of original documentation to support the existence/structure of the rule itself. For example, documents confirming which account to code to and why, and any limitations (eg only specific transactions), so that other users are aware and don't make any incorrect changes.
A basic example I have is a client who wants certain Apple transactions to director's loan. There is a risk another user may think it's okay to add all transactions to the rule, or change the account code back thinking it's wrong.