Projects - Add staff payment rates to projects
add staff payment rates to projects so can be selected from a drop down list

Dave Karraker commented
This is hugely important to an agency which has different staff billing at different rates. The resolution provided by tech support was to create a separate task for each employee for each project. This does not work, because the line items on invoices are the Task, not the project. So, for example, if you are working for XYZ Company, and the Project is Public Relations, then the Task is which brand you are working on for that company, which could be multiple brands. You would have multiple Tasks for one brand because you have multiple people working on it. Just make it so an employee can bill against a Task with their hourly rate... don't leave it that the Task has a set rate for all employees. That's not helpful.
Matthew Corish commented
This would be an amazing update. To include staff costs in the profitability tab.