Reporting - Ability to toggle GST on/off in a report
If you're searching transactions, it's time consuming to match against reports if they're gst exclusive. Could we have a button to toggle gst on or off in each report?

Is there a specific report or reports that you're comparing transactions with, Fiona?
With the Payable and Receivables Invoice Summary and Detail reports there are options to show (ex) and (inc) in different columns, we also provide options to show Net, GST and Gross amounts separately.
Judith Cawrse commented
I am new to Xero having used Phoenix for the last 20 years. One feature I am missing is the ability to swop an entry or a report from GST inclusive to GST exclusive at the click of a button and then back again. I am trying to do some cross checking that items have been entered correctly and finding that the paperwork is GST incl but the entries are in GST excl mode - and some bills come with GST added last, some come with GST added intrinsically so the entries are not consistently one or the other. Liz