Sales Invoice - Column for client Account number on invoice
Would like to be able to have adjustable columns on an invoice that I can change what they fill with. Right now an Invoice only has Item as a field. I would like to be able to change from Item to Account. That way I can have one payer and list several clients in the invoice without typing them all in. For instance, if a field was labeled Client Account # or something then I could set up the list with my clients or pull them up from contacts, and just select the clients account number, it would prefill a description if I wanted and the account the amount should post to (Monthly Service).
Right now all there is is repeating invoices. So I have 20 invoices post a month then I go in and pay each one so that I can reconcile 11 invoices or so with a bank deposit. Would be nice to have all 11 in one invoice. That I could select (because they change each month/week as to who is paid). - It makes sense to me.

Hi Laura, hen you say you'd have one payer - would this be a customer or someone internal in your organisation?
It still sounds like untracked inventory could work here - for example each 'client' would be set up as an untracked item, you could select clients using the Item column of the invoice and this would auto populate pre saved data such as the account number which could be referenced in the description column, and monthly service for the account.