Reporting | Groups - Option to sort in alphabetical order
In the old reports, once the account was added to a subgroup, the account code would automatically be in alphabetical order. However, this is manual for the new reporting.
A good function would be to automate this in the new reports as well (per the old reports) rather than dragging and dropping manually.

Cheryl Schneider commented
Luke Harber commented
Reports - when editing the layout of reports, please give the option to order account codes alphabetically within a group so this does not have to be done manually.
Aabel Tom commented
Gene Austin commented
I would like to be able to quickly sort the rows on any report (but particularly the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports) by dollar amount (in descending order) or by alphabetical order. This would save the time required to manually drag each row into a custom order, particularly as the dollar amounts are subject to change.
Ron Loos commented
Very Important to present a professional report!
Andrew Kingsmill commented
This is a great idea. We have a report imported from the old format that did this, and it makes sense to have it in the new reports. It would be incredibly useful for us.
Les Edwards commented
I can't believe this wasn't an automatic thought. What kind of person would want reports that aren't in any logical sense of order and what would clients think of any accounting firm producing reports like that.
Nirmala Jaybalen commented
Good idea, Jack! i am now trying to add a report to the reporting package, but sequencing of accounts are different due to account codes being chosen for the group, and the difference in sequence across reports looks ridiculous. This function will make reports format easily comparable.
Sam Mcinnes commented
Sensational idea Jack!
Cameron DiFalco commented
Great Idea Jack!