Contacts - View unallocated Overpayment/Prepayment/Credit at a glance
When looking at a customer's account in Contacts, there should be a spot in the invoices due that shows clearly if there is an unallocated overpayment, prepayment or Credit at a glance.
There also needs to be a better report just for unallocated Prepayments, Credits and Overpayments.
I find the Receivable Invoice Summary isn't wait I'm looking for as it doesn't fulfil the job required.

Laura Sieczkowski commented
I agree with the above recommendation by Shannon. The current reports aren't sufficient to easily see unallocated overpayments/prepayments. I find it hard to believe the balance in a contact record isn't reflective of these and only shows debit balances. It makes staying on top of credit balances very difficult, which in turn makes us less than proactive with customers who have money available to use.
Brenda Carter commented
I agree, its frustrating that 'invoice only' users aren't able to see the prepayments at a glance from the Contacts screen.
Jacqui Missen commented
Exactly! Right now the balance on the contact record only shows unpaid invoices/bills and doesn't take into account any prepayments until they are allocated to the invoices.
It would be so much more helpful for balances to include prepayments/overpayments/credits. -
Anna Ferris commented
It would be great if overpayments showed on a supplier/customer screen within the unpaid invoices at the top of the page. This way they can easily be found and used when reconcilling rather than having to scroll through to find them if they are really old.
Mark ODonoughue commented
Especially important if you have a lot of repeating invoices, as there is no warning that there may be a prepayment that could be allocated to the invoice (mockup attached)