Contacts - Sort by Contact account number
Sort 'customer or supplier' list by account number from the drop down menu, (not the same as the search function).
The account number field is a unique identifier to any customer or supplier record. Having this function should be a necessity as it is with most other software.
In many cases the account number field is overlooked in Xero from the users point of view, yet it underpins the whole database for many people and connecting software/apps.
In the same vein, the 'date added' drop down, which could be argued as being able to achieve a similar result, in my experience does not return a true result.

Brian Griffiths commented
This feature was dropped a couple of years ago and I really miss it
Rafli Taslim commented
We used to register our supplier and customer by account number and sort it that way. When we have new vendor or customer, we just sort the contact by account number to refer the last number and add one (1) for the next vendor or customer.
Now we have to export the contact to our google sheet and sort it there to see the last number we have assigned. It is very cumbersome for just sorting contact by its account number. -
Pete Eastwood commented
For suppliers contact info we need to ability to have a non-unique account number added as we don't decide one what account number they give us - they are sometimes the same for 2 or more suppliers - and Xero currently makes this field unique.
Sue Parry commented
Search by contact account reference, PLEASE.
Amanda Majerus commented
there's no functionality to search contacts in order of account number but there used to be and I would use it frequently