Profit & Loss | Common date range formats - Add date range 7, 30, 90 days
Generate Reports with Trailing Time Periods
I want to have a report that tracks how my business is doing on a trailing X-day time period. Standard windows I view are 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days.
I would love it if I could create a custom P&L report that looks at the financial health of my business over the last 30 days whenever I open it up.
The current work around is to manually specify dates by calculating what was 30 days or 90 days into the past which works, but is annoying.
I am expecting this to be fairly standard in accounting suites as my other businesses in Quickbooks online have this by default.

Martin Crocker commented
Also two-monthly and six-monthly to align with NZ GST periods (or even "this GST period / last GST period" which could pull straight from the GST setup. I think these would be far more useful to many NZ users than the "this quarter / last quarter" options.