Bank rules - Run this rule on 'selected' bank accounts, instead of all or just one
It would be great to have the option when creating a bank rule to tick the bank accounts to run the rule on, as opposed to having ALL or just one. We often need to run the rule on say three of the five bank accounts, and are forced to set up three identical bank rules just so we can select each account, as we don't want to run the rule on all five accounts. This is particularly prevalent when using tracking categories. Some entities have different bank accounts for different areas of their business and when coding we'd like to be able to identify which tracking category a transaction belongs to based on the bank account it is in.

Ashley Hughes commented
Currently, you can only select a single bank account or ALL bank accounts for a bank rule to apply. Could you please modify this as a dropdown menu to select specific bank accounts want a particular bank rule to apply to - this would be very useful when got 10s of thousands of statement lines across 10s to 100s bank accounts and aid style say for instance creating a bank rule per payee but to be able to discriminate exact bank accounts want this to apply to and make the overall functionality and use cases for the bank rules more effective and precise and deal en masse.
Thank you.