General Ledger Reporting - Group by Account Type
Under the GL Summary Report(new) and GL Detailed Report (new), i notice they run by account code in alphabetical order as a result of which some Balance Sheet and P/L items are mixed together.
How can i run both the above reports in a way whereby all the Balance Sheet items are on top in alphabetical order follow by all the P/L items thereafter in alphabetical order
Can anyone help
Karen Anne Zarraga commented
I also want to be able to group the items in General Ledger Summary per account type.
Judith Hayes commented
I would like to be able to group accounts on the General Ledger Summary report.
Julie Adair commented
I agree completely its so frustrating, why have they deleted the old version which worked well.
Meg Lounds commented
Or at least to run it by codes like you used to be able to. It's very frustrating.