Repeat template - Option to update template from Draft invoice
The repeating invoices that go to draft should have an option of saving for the next repeating invoice for that client. If you dont edit the invoice before it goes to draft eg: to increase an annual charge, then it does not save for the next time that repeating invoice comes up. Either that or give an option for a repeating invoice that has been delited to repeat again.

Brian Higgins commented
When a repeating invoice triggers a draft invoice to be created, it's created with the qty in the repeating template. But lets say that there is an updated quantity that the customer needs to be charged starting this month. This requires updating the draft, and then also updating the repeating template. It should be possible to update either the draft OR the repeating template and then save those changes in such a way they update the other. i.e. if I update the repeating template I should be able to then apply those changes to any draft invoices that the template was used to create so that I don't have to update the quantities twice. Updating the template from the draft would be nice as well, but as long as there is a way to do one of the two it eliminates double work & entry.
We have lots of invoices that repeat but the exact quantity used each month will sometimes vary seasonally, so for those that do, we have to update the quantity of the items twice each month.
Accounts UK Business IT commented
Repeating save feature once amended invoices in draft
I find it frustrating that when we have say 2 repeating sales or purchase invoices in draft (for one contact) that if i update one it wont save it to all the others that it relates to in the following month(s), i have to go into the repeating one and change that as well or delete it and start the cycle again from the repeating section
We send invoices at the beginning of the following month day (3 or 4) so sometimes i can have 2 invoices plus the repeating one to update, the save button only saves the invoice im working on,
Xero doesnt seem to recognise that it was generated from a repeater, the option to save the related ones would be sooooo useful please as it can take me so long to do over 200 invoices each month -
Pamela Thomas commented
Ability to automatically update pricing and description on repeating invoices based on changes made within the most recent draft.
Rather then having to adjust the draft and open the repeating invoice to make changes for future invoices.
If I make a reference or description change such as ''Invoice Nov 2023'' then this description is what will show on the next draft invoice. It sets as a reminder as to which month we are billing for. This is also helpful for any billing/pricing changes.
Similar arrangements that is offered by MYOB