Uncoded Statement Lines report - Default 'To' today's date
Currently when accessing the Uncoded Statement Lines report, the last date of the prior month will appear in the To field. This is currently set as the default in Xero.
Be more helpful if the current date was entered as it is the current entries that are being queried. If everything is up to date there should few if any aged items left in the reconciliation report.

Thanks for the feedback, Richard. Can see where you're coming from and we'll get a sense of the overall interest from users on the thread here but want to be open that we don't have immediate plans for changing this.
To enable a little more swiftness when changing the date of this report you may find typing the letter 't' before clicking or tabbing through to the next field helpful - we have a few more date entry shortcuts you may like to explore, too.
Hendre Vorster commented
Please Fix this. So it shows current date
Leanne McMinn commented
I use this report every time I log in to clients files and it is frustrating to have to change the date period.
I'd love to see an option for Year To Date.
Some clients are often slow at replying and need to be reminded more than once. Causing uncoded transactions to go back further than the last month, current default setting.