Billable Expenses - Bulk updating of billable expenses
I have around 100 billable expenses each month, I click on the 'Billable' in Expensify and that comes through to xero, but there are many that need to be entered into xero directly.
We need a report showing unbilled expenses where we can click on the items to mark them as billable in bulk, rather than line by line, which takes up a lot of time.

Jack Mackenzie commented
Voted critical...
Really need to be able to remove billable expenses flag from multiple bills or transactions, even if this is something that could be added to the find and recode feature...
Stuart Mohamed commented
Adding my vote to this to be able to bulk remove billable expenses.
Mark White commented
Agree - need to be able to bulk remove "billable expenses" please
Sandy Bird commented
I agree - It would be great to be able to delete/remove billable expenses in Bulk
Yisroel Stein commented
Has there been any progress here? We want to remove thousands of billable expenses in order to utilize the billable expenses report properly
Emma Tennant commented
It would also be very useful if we could mark then as not Billable or unassign them in Bulk. Currently I have a billable expenses report with thousands for old Billable expenses that will never be bill and it would be good to be able to remove these not going line by line.
Andrea Fines-Allin commented
100% agree - been looking for this feature - obviously it doesn't exist yet.
Salonee Verma commented
Agree. Would like to make bills billable in one tick. Also, sometimes we waive reimbursement of expenses. So, it should be possible to remove the "billable" tick in bulk, across different bills too.