AU Payroll - Show Termination Reason in draft pay runs
Termination reason.
Can we please have the termination reason to show in the payslip in the pay run so it can be reviewed without having to post the pay run and go in to the employees settings to check.
Yvonne Varela commented
Currently in Xero Payroll feature, once a payslip has been 'set as final pay', there is no where to see what code or date etc was selected.
This makes it impossible for a senior payroll officers to review the details entered by a junior payroll officers.
Currently the only way to do this is by deleting the draft pay slip and re-do the termination - this is ridiculous! Also if the pay is posted/approved the only pace to find the termination detail for that payslip is back over in the Employees card file - again ridiculous and counter productive for payroll officers.
This is even more / extremely messy when coupling a termination with an ETP where multiple pay lines are required with complex tax implications, and the whole thing needs to be re-input just to check the staff member has entered the correct 'set as final pay' details in a draft pay!