Credit note - Ability to set an expiry date
Hi all!
I'm a one man band IT business, and I've just started being put on retainer by a company which is great, however I'm finding accounting for the retainer to be a bit burdensome.
Currently, my plan is it add the retainer's ammount as a credit note at the beginning of the month, and then somehow nullify any remaining credit at the end. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a way of managing retainers separately and more efficiently from credit?
Or even just having the option to add an expiry date to a credit note would simplify things.
Perhaps there already is a better way of doing this, or some sort of integration with a 3rd party app - I'd love to hear about it if that's the case!
Thanks for reading!

Great to hear how you're currently using Xero with Credit Notes to manage this process for yourself, Joseph. I've slightly amended your idea for being able to set an expiry for a credit note as it's quite unlikely that we'll look to create a completely new feature for managing retainers.
Having a quick look at some of the other ideas raised in community, it looks like some people maybe using SimPro as a means to manage these, alternatively you could explore apps in the ecosystem that may meet your needs. 🙂
Joseph Crocker commented
That's fair enough! I've looked at a few apps but they all seem to want to do a bit too much, though perhaps I'll try one out in the future if I ever get a spare moment.
Thanks for hearing me out!