Cash summary - Show working capital items as tax inclusive
New Cash Summary report vs Old: In the new report when you customise the new report to adopt the "Working Capital with other cash movements" format & report Gross, i.e. with VAT figures, the "Other Cash Movements" in the new version are STILL reported Ex VAT. IN the equivalent Old version, they were termed as "Non operating Movements" and would correctly apper as Gross, i.e. VAT included figures. In the new report instead, VAT on these items is reported as a consolidated item seperately below as "VAT movements". There needs to be a feature to report the above as Gross in the new version as well for consisitency in reporting of all figures appearing i the new report.

Phil Leary commented
Reporting a mixture of inclusive & exclusive is inconsistent and means the report is not usable.
Alison English commented
I agree with all previous comments.
Alison English
Lauryn Thompson commented
I agree with these comments, the changes to the Cash Summary report have caused me issues with the inconsistency between gross and net. The report should never say it shows Gross but some items are net
Michael Hesp commented
Agree with all comments, a report with some lines GST inclusive and others exclusive isn't a lot of use. When I run this report for my clients, the Fixed Asset purchases are GST net whereas all other relevant line items are GST gross. The GST movement figure is a combination of the GST on Fixed Asset purchases plus the GST paid to the IRD in the month.
Deanna Sigley commented
Totally agree. There is no way that any report should report some Nett and some Gross amounts when requesting a Gross report. This needs to be fixed!!
Nicolas Haines commented
Totally agree with Cam Fraser. This is basic stuff Xero. Sort it out.
Cam Fraser commented
This is crucial for our reporting and doesn't make sense that some items are inclusive of GST and some are not. This creates a lot of manual work in preparing our cash flow actual reporting, and crucial for cash flow management. Given the old report treated GST correctly, it is achievable, and very urgent now that we are forced to use the new report.
Laura Parlane commented
Completely agree with the above. The old report was able to show this correctly with the GST (in NZ) inclusive value shown for working capital items. It doesn't make sense why when 'gross' is selected, half the numbers are shown as GST inclusive, and half are shown as GST exclusive.