Invoice reminders - View email sent to customer
On the contact activity it tells you when an invoice reminder was sent but what would be really useful from a contact relations POV would be to be able to click that interaction and view the email so that you could screenshot/resend it to a client who says they didn't receive it. For example I have one saying at the moment they never received the reminder but did the one after and the one before? Odd? Proving the amount, email it went to etc would be a useful "told you so" if you know what I mean.

Malgorzata Kwiatkowska commented
I'm new to this software. Is any answer from XERO ? Any update ? I really concern to move account to competitors.
Candice Tootell commented
This should be a basic ability for auditing purposes. If a document is sent via xero, we need to be able to see exactly what was sent and what else what written in the text.
John Kenny commented
This is absolutely an entry level requirement. It is unbelievable this feature does not exist.
Toni Dixon commented
I 100% agree with Philip Kennedy's comment. I can not believe you can not view what you have sent. Why have this feature of emailing if you can not view what has been sent?
"Because we personalise some of these emails, it would be very helpful to go back in Xero to see exactly what we wrote when the invoice was first sent out, so that we can also personalise the wording of our follow up emails. There is an art to timely debt collection. That's why I rate this feature as critical. Note; and yes I know I can send the email to myself and find it among the the thousands of emails I get, but it would be much easier to go straight to it in Xero !
Laura Maton commented
I've just spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to do this and am amazed that it isn't possible. Really disappointing and a critical feature to have, I have set up reminders before payments are due, as well as chasing afterwards and have no way to prove they have been sent
Philip Kennedy commented
Because we personalise some of these emails, it would be very helpful to go back in Xero to see exactly what we wrote when the invoice was first sent out, so that we can also personalise the wording of our follow up emails. There is an art to timely debt collection. That's why I rate this feature as critical. Note; and yes I know I can send the email to myself and find it among the the thousands of emails I get, but it would be much easier to go straight to it in Xero !