Timesheet detail report - Include timesheet notes
When clients use Xero Me they use the notes section on the timesheet to communicate and for some staff advise their managers what tasks they have completed on that day. Xero help confirmed today these notes are no longer visible once the timesheet is approved meaning we have lost visibility of this information. My client is very unhappy that I did not advise them of this issue, unfortunately as this is a new way of completing the timesheets I wasn't aware this was going to happen, previously my clients were sending me a spreadsheet each fortnight and I was manually entering the times. Could we please have the option to print the timesheet detail report to include these notes.

Deanne Billerwell commented
I have a client wanting this exact information and now can't access it after the timesheet has been approved! Surely the detailed timesheet report can have an extra filter to include the notes of what the employee completed for each day?!
Sandra Argent commented
My client has a lot of milage claims and it would be great if the logbook files could be attached to the timesheets. This was a feature we had in our last payroll program.
Alex Jessey commented
We don't even see a notes section in the timesheet. Where is this? (We are based in the UK.)
As well as a place to add notes and have them permanently available, we would like a way of entering earning type sub-categories so each earning type is broken down further.