AU Payroll - Set organisation defaults for 'hours a full-time employee works in a Weekly pay period'
Many of my clients prefer a 37.5 hour work week (7.5 hours a day) to a 38 hour work week (7.6 hours a day).
I am able to set the leave accruals to a 7.5 hour day but the standard work week in "'Assign default leave types" is always 38 hpw and I have to manually change it to 37.5 to match the leave accrual.
I can remember to do this but many of my clients do their own employee set-up and will not remember to change that 38 hour work week to 37.5 each time they set up a new employee.
Please allow me a company-wide work week setting so I can set a default work week of 37.5 and my clients don't have to remember.

Geoff Schmidt commented
Same problem here. Clients (and me) forget to override the default 38 hours. This should be able to be set by organisation.