Settings and activity
104 results found
470 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
12 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
41 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
352 votes
Thanks for your continued engagement with us on this idea, everyone. We understand there are many different ways business work and conduct business with customers, and that you need more flexibility in the way you manage and receive payments for invoices with Xero. While pockets of research have been done in the past we’re getting a fresh lens and conducting a broader piece of discovery to deeply analyse and understand where our efforts could be focused in this space to alleviate existing hurdles in receiving payments for majority of Xero users. We’d like to open the invite to be a part of our teams research pool, where you’d get the chance to share more on the importance of managing payments for your business. This may involve being interviewed, or helping answer questions through short surveys or questionnaires.
✍️ If this is something you’d like to be a part of, please …
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
502 votes
Appreciate your input here, everyone. Our team is looking into this idea however, they don't have any dates planned on when they’ll develop the ability to schedule emails.
Totally understand how this feature could benefit your workflow though, being able to schedule an email to send during acceptable hours, so you don’t have to remember!
Rest assured that our eyes are on the ground monitoring your feedback and votes here, so please keep adding them in this thread. For the time being, I’ll move this idea into ‘Under review’ status. And if there's any movement, we'll make sure to come back here and let you all know.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Geoff Schmidt commented
This would save a lot of grief and missed invoices.
An error occurred while saving the comment Geoff Schmidt commented
This would be useful for payslips out of payroll. For example, you run payroll on a Friday but the pay week ends Sunday and tyhe payment is made Monday. It would be good to schedule the payslips email to be sent on the Monday.
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
3 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
464 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
Tax & reporting tile on dashboard should also include when an activity statement is ready to prepare
2 votesGeoff Schmidt shared this idea ·
26 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Geoff Schmidt commented
In product ideas and community discussions, can the country of the poster be automatically included (or optionally included with a checkbox).
Many questions and ideas are country-specific, especially around payroll. Posters are not including their country in their posts. A more automatic way of doing it will save a lot of confusion and wasted time from peole responding to them.
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
24 votes
Hi Margaret, thanks for raising your idea here.
Just want to add that it's only possible for adviser or standard + reports roles to view, edit or post Manual Journals.
Does that change your idea here at all?
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
3 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
26 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Geoff Schmidt commented
This must be bank-dependent. My banks put the transaction through as a single payment so reconciliation of the batch payment is very easy (total batch payment = transaction amount on bank statement).
I've seen this with Westpac and Bendigo Bank.
That was supposed to be a benefit of batch payments so you are not charged transaction fees for each line, only on the one total transaction.
110 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Geoff Schmidt commented
It's the inability to calculate annual leave correctly that really annoys me. Every leave request has to be corrected before it can be approved.
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
101 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
204 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
170 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
282 votes
Hi team, as you may have noticed we've made a change to the Invoice Date and Due Date fields that now allows you to type in these fields rather than having to select a date from the calendar drop down. It does still require entering delimiters between day month and year such as a '.' or '/' (we understand there are a few situations when entering US date formats and are continuing to look into this).
We're working on also adding this functionality to the Payment date, and I'll keep you in the know of when this is made available, here.
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
213 votes
Hi community, thanks for getting involved here and letting us know the importance around being able to see the details whenever an invoice is sent from Xero. We understand the importance of this to our customers and our product team are beginning to review this idea to solve needs in this space. We'll move to Under review and I'll let you know as there's more progress here. Thanks
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
3 votes
Geoff Schmidt supported this idea ·
Schedule when payslips can be emailed. Allows payroll to be done in advance (eg, when payroll person goes on leave they could do payroll for a few weeks in advance) but only send payslips when the payroll payment is made.