Dashboard - Widget Calendars starting on Monday
Add the option to show widget calendars that start on Monday instead of Sunday.
Purpose: To make the start of the week, is the first day when they’re going to work.

Dan Smith commented
I don't know of any business person who thinks of Sunday as the first day of the week!
Xero: please either give us the ability to customise the first day of the week to suit our preference, or set the first day of the week to Monday for everyone.
Vincent Mills commented
This would be really helpful!
Bee Hesketh commented
About half of the world's population start their week on a Monday - https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/days/first-day-of-the-week.html
Emmanuel Chan commented
The number in "Bill" and "Invoice" widgets are meaningless as our work calendar starts on Monday.
Alex Woods commented
Crazy that the Australian Xero file doesn't start the week on Monday! Xero please update this asap please.
Bee Hesketh commented
Please fix this. It is archaic.
Freya Pieroz commented
My Windows settings say that the first day of the week is Monday. Pretty standard for Australia.
All the dropdown calendars in Xero should match local system settings. If you don't want to have Xero ask the computer or browser what the settings should be, then there should be the ability for the user to change this themselves - while I never use Sunday as my first day of the week, I know people who like that.
Matt Trigg commented
It's so bizarre that Xero has chosen to have a Sunday to Saturday week.
Is this common in Australia?
You need to either make this user definable or charge the week to Monday to Sunday for everyone. -
Daniela Giraldo Forero commented
Its very hard to calculate leaves accurately if the week starts on a Sunday, it makes for unnecessary mistakes
Darrell Stitt commented
As I work on a Monday to Fridat week with the weekend being Saturday and Sunday I would hope Xero can update their system so we can choose our own week start day in the very near future.
Anthony Roach commented
I think it's really important to have the Monday as the starting day of the week, my business along with so many others operates a Monday to Sunday working week.
Wishhasad Somawansa commented
As a business, we work Monday to Sunday. I need our calendars to reflect this please.
Bee Hesketh commented
This would be really useful. I don't know any businesses personally who start their week on a Sunday.