AU Payroll | Payslip - Change formatting of payslip file name
Add a date to the end of the payslip PDF file name. eg payslip_20220519 That way easy to save and file each slip without having to rename

Chris Craven commented
This would be a very easy feature to introduce @Xero.
Downloading multiple payslips for multiple employees all with a standard name of "payslip" is very frustrating
File Name:
The above format would group all the Employees together and then order by date in the users documents folder also.
I have attacjed what it looks like now!
David Hilton commented
Agree with request.
David Hilton commented
Useful for when needed every now and again. If not there is DOES waste a lot of time at a time you are invariably busy
David Hilton commented
When downloading multiple, and often 52 payslips, they have individual file descriptions for each payslip downloaded, BUT you are not able to tell which WEEK each payslip is for. Perhaps somewhere in the file name, the relevant date could be added. Work Cover often ask for actual payslips for 52 weeks.
Jill Fechner commented
Robert Mangano commented
This should also show the employee's name and the date - eg Payslip_John Smith_20220519
Jill Fechner commented
Agree, employee name should form part of the filename
Emma Trebilco commented
This should also show the employee's name - eg Payslip_John Smith_20220519