AU Payroll - Include PAYG payment in Payroll batch files
I look after a business that has been advised by the ATO that their PAYG has cycle has changed & they must remit the PAYG tax to ATO within 7 days of each payrun. This means we currently have to make a manual payment for PAYG to the ATO each week, more if there there happens to be an extra pay run for some reason. Payroll software we use for other clients in the same sitiatuon has the functionality to include the PAYG payment with the ABA file for the payrun, which means everyting is automated. It would be great it Zero could look at this automation as well as I'm sure in time everyone will have to do this.

Brooke Gowen commented
PAYG withholding should be set-up like Superannuation so at the end of every month / quarterly so it can be calculated and Paid automatically (well - with a couple of clicks)