GST Audit (Singapore) - Select Tax code display
Suggestions to improve the reporting of GST Audit Beta
Allow us to select which Tax Codes to display in report (default All)
Show the tax code in each row rather than as a report subheader. Useful when there are lots of records for some tax codes
I noticed that we can select Reference field for the columns, but not Invoice No. If the entry's Ref field is blank, the report shows the Invoice No. So this is misrepresenting the report, and showing inaccurate results as no one analysing the report would know if they are seeing the Ref no or the Inv no. Also in case of multiple invoices per project, we would end us seeing Ref no (showing same project no) but not the individual Inv no.

Appreciate the feedback here, community. I want to assure you product ideas in the forums here are a primary source for our product teams when planning development and diving deeper into improving the experience for our customers when using Xero.
I can understand it may feel that things aren't moving as quickly on ideas you'd like to see developed however you can filter ideas by Working on it to get a sense of ideas from our community that are being worked on, or Delivered for ideas we have released solutions for.
It really helps having only 1 idea per post in the forums here so others in community understand what they're adding their vote for, and our product teams to get a sense of the interest from our customers in a specific feature.
I've split your idea here to a separate one for being able to view the tax code on each row (based on your second point here).
You're welcome to create another idea for your last point around the reference that is used - if you could also share the expected behaviour and how this would help you getting an accurate view this will help our product teams when evaluating your idea.
Hitesh Timbadia commented
Mindy, thanks for your support.
I honestly do not know if Xero checks our inputs, and what their thoughts are. Maybe they have received so many, they feel the best way is to just ignore and keep collecting our money.
Can i ask if your Xero installation is in Singapore, but not SGD functional currency? I assume you are using GST Audit Beta just like i am.
Mindy Lim commented
Yes, 100% agreed with Hitesh Timbadia. Would appreciate Xero to take immediate action to solve the issue.