Bank Reconciliation - Automatic payment allocation to oldest invoices first
If you have multiple invoices for the same client, a feature that allows you the option to automatically apply bank transactions receiving money from the client to the oldest invoices first moving closer to date would be mighty helpful. At the current moment, we have to manually split out each transaction to the invoices when reconciling bank transactions; it stands to reason that if you have a client with multiple invoices and they pay off in chunks, you would want to apply payments to their oldest debt first; having this as a selectable option for a contact / bank rule would be great.

Helen Mallett commented
I'm getting sick of chasing customers only to find out they paid and we've reconciled against a newer invoice. Same for supplier invoices too.
Nicole Gaber commented
This is huge, and critical for us, it is SUCH a huge waste of time by only showing latest invoice, causes major issues, please this should be an easy setting