Bank Reconciliation - reconcile transactions for multiple bank accounts at a time
I'd like the Reconcile pages to allow me to select some all of my bank accounts to display. This would aggregate the unreconciled statement lines and display them all in date order to be reconciled all the same time.
Reason 1: Convenience. I use several bank accounts and would prefer to reconcile all of the transactions in one go.
Reason 2: Error reduction. The most common error I see relating my clients' bank balances is their misuse of Transfer (setting the wrong account, using it for accounts that aren't linked etc.). If they could see both accounts and therefore both sides of the transfers it would greatly reduce these errors.

Lachlan Keddie commented
This would be great for me aswell,
My largest client has 13 accounts reconciled daily, with matched transactions only.
It is too easy to trip over open tabs or continuous scrolling through accounts.
Optimus Fintech commented
To reconcile bank accounts and transactions on the go, check this link to know the needed resources for it,
Taylor Clouse commented
I would love to see an option for a unified bank feed.
This would not replace the current bank feed set up where you go into each account and reconcile/code transactions, but for those that want to batch them all together why not have a feed of transactions from all bank accounts and CC without needing to go into each one?
This may not be a fit for all clients, but I know for myself it would save some jumping around when I could just go to one spot and code / reconcile transactions across 4-5 accounts - especially those that are being handled frequently and just a few transactions from each account.