Files - Default window size when viewing
Enable Xero to remember the zoom and window size when viewing a document attached to an invoice, bill, purchase order etc.
I always find it annoying that the default size for viewing an attachment is too small and I need to increase the zoom and window size every time.

Trish Clouston commented
I agree - this is very annoying and extremely time consuming to enlarge the pdf attachment before you are able to approve the invoice. Every time the view is too small., to enable to see the dollars you need to scroll to the right hand side, to verify the bank account number, you often have to scroll to the bottom or middle of the attachment., the pdf is definitely too small.- it takes a lot of scrolling and clicking to get to the parts required - where if the pdf was larger, it would be easier for the user.
James Trevelyan commented
This would be a great time-saving feature. I am sure lots of other people have the same issue.