Invoicing - Mandatory contact details
Set a particular contact field (e.g. account number) as a mandatory field, so that an invoice cannot be issued without that field having been added to the customer account.

Loretta Sutcliffe commented
Can we have all sales invoices have the compulsory information that is required as per ATO guidelines. Im coming across so many invoices from businesses who are not including all their contact information eg phone number and email. It is very frustrating to have to track down this information as bookkeeper I dont have this information as would be the business owner who has done all the original contact but when invoices come through and we need to verify bank details by contacting the business it makes it difficult to contact or confirm all these details when they dont appear on the invoice. If we can make it compulsory and not an option to appear would be great.
Jake Leslie commented
Ultimately, we need to ensure each invoice includes a particular account reference in order to be compliant with the legal obligations of our industry.