Repeating Invoices - Copy option
Repeating Invoices - ability to copy existing repeating invoice.
- Temporary Discount rewards (Scenario 1 below)
- Previously agreed future price changes
- Similar fee package for another client on a recurring basis
Scenario 1
- Client signs an ongoing recurring contract Monthly Fee = $1,000 (for illustration purposes):
- Client sends us a referral, so we discount their fee 10% for the next 4 months (update current recurring amount to $900)
- After 4 months client's fee will return to the previously agreed amount (create brand new recurring invoice, keying all the same information in, but removing the discount - post-date for 4 months from now for $1,000)
This process would be a lot easier if we could Duplicate the first invoice.
Same is true if we are adjusting service levels at various future dates, but the bulk of the detail will be the same.
Same is true if a different client is getting the exact same services, it would be easier to just copy an existing one.

Cory G. Litzenberger commented
@Andrew Syme - Not sure what you mean.
Currently, I cannot copy a repeating invoice to make a new repeating invoice for a different client. I can only edit an existing repeating invoice, or create a new one. The "copy" function only works on a current invoice - which then uses up another invoice number for no reason. I don't want to have to keep going back to my settings to fix my invoice number sequencing.
Andrew Syme commented
Users can copy and create a new repeating invoice, including placeholders and invoice frequency, from an existing repeating invoice rather than having to copy from an existing approved invoice