AU Payroll - Change Super Payment Frequency from monthly to fortnightly en masse.
If I want to change the Payment Frequency for Superannuation from quarterly to monthly, I currently have to do it for each and every employee individually, A fair waste of time because there are many employees on the list to change, but I've done it. When it becomes mandatory in 2024 to pay all employees fortnightly, I'm hoping to be able to 'Select All' employees, and select to change the Payment Frequency' from Monthly to Fortnightly. Do you know if this has been discussed or is likely to become an option for us?

Terry Lundie-Jenkins commented
This would be a great improvement to include somewhere like Financial Settings as we do for GST, PAYGW & PAYGI frequency. The default set in Financial Settings would then be pushed to all employees and still allow to be manually altered on a per employee basis (if required).
Rukmali Vithanage commented
I am also really interesting on what should be done in the Xero when super is going to be paid monthly basis. We paid it quarterly early. we hope to start paying monthly on end of March. So how to pay the Jan & Feb .Thanks
Freya Pieroz commented
@Neeta you can always pay it more frequently than the default, it's just sorted/filtered by the pay-before date, which is set by the payment frequency.
I like to be able to double check that the payment amount matches the super accrual report (which gets attached to the bill I create for the monthly super for audit trail purposes), so being able to filter out payruns from this month when paying last month's super means I can tick all instead of ticking each line individually.
Neeta Dhami commented
Our super is also set to quarterly and we want to start paying monthly now. i was just wondering do we have to change it to monthly? what if we start paying monthly and leave the payable date to quaterly. would it make a difference? we are just paying ahead of schedule?
Freya Pieroz commented
I'd also really like (in the short term, while payday super functionality is still being implemented) to set a system-wide default payment frequency for super, so I don't have to keep changing the settings individually on each new employee that a client has entered into the system - by default, Xero uses quarterly super; for cashflow purposes, I and my clients prefer paying it monthly.